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The five Rotary Clubs of East Gippsland have come together, forming a Fire Aid Committee, in preference to each club working on their own with possible double up. We are a greater force as one collective.

100% of all funds raised will be used to benefit the East Gippsland Community and individuals, that have been impacted by this fire disaster, through no fault of their own.

Money raised will be divided into the following categories;
1. Hay/Fodder/ fencing, many land-owners have insurance for their fencing and only require volunteers to assist with cleaning of fence lines. Others will require hay / fodder for their livestock, this we are presently assisting with.

2. Money vouchers, to allow people to purchase new items they can determine for themselves within the local area, returning dignity and independence to the survivors. A knock- on effect to the local retailers will occur, placing money into local businesses which have been hit hard by the loss of the peak holiday season trading.

3. There is also an emergency fund, this is for items that sit outside the above two categories and are deemed to be having a great impact on a community or a family and need urgent action e.g. fuel for a truck load of hay / fodder to be transported into the area.

4. Community BBQ’s and working Bee’s will be organised to assist and support small communities to reconnect with neighbours that may have had to find temporary accommodation outside their local area & support network.

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